Lottery Daydreaming & Baked Honey Mustard Chicken with Potatoes & Bacon

I don’t play the lottery, as I feel I have been really lucky in what I have been able to do in my life, but if I did win, it would be the usual things – helping out the people I love. I’d probably squander a few quid on all sorts of unnecessary crap!

Timothy Spall
I was watching My Lottery Dream House on the HGTV network the other day. This week was crazy so I was having a rest day. By the way, rest days should be normalized, just saying. Anyways, I was thinking how great it is that all these people that won millions of dollars are being realistic and buying homes under $500 000 instead of blowing it all. As I laid there I began to daydream… what if I won $30 million… what would I do with it?
I have no clue!!! 😂😂😂 But off the top of my head here’s what I was thinking…
I don’t think I would move. I would pay off our mortgage though. Actually I would pay off all our immediate family’s mortgages. But why would I want a bigger house to clean? I like the one I have. I would travel. I would trade in our old minivan for a new one, maybe even an Odyssey 🤩😂. I would take cooking classes in Italy and painting classes in France. I would take archeology classes in Greece and surfboard lessons in Australia. I would try to learn Mandarin in China and go on an African safari! I would donate to Syria, Ukraine, and BC during our undoubted next wildfire season. I would donate to MS, cancer, and Alzheimer’s research. I think it would be great to have a boat. I’ve always wanted a sailboat. I went sailing when I was 16 and LOVED it, HBear took sailing lessons for a few years and sailed from Summerland to Naramata for ice cream one time!
Oh and we would definitely go to The Masters! And Disneyland! 😂 Oh AND to the Taylor Swift concert 🤣.
And my Kids could go to university, if they wanted and we could retire, if we wanted and we could live in comfort and budget for $150 on groceries a week instead of $100! 😆 Oh and I would go on a wellness retreat! Actually maybe I would FUND a retreat for all those Moms who aren’t wealthy but have the same exact needs as all those wealthy Moms. We ALL need those weekends away with yoga, speakers, someone cooking healthy meals for you and cold plunges. Yeah I would definitely fund a wellness spa retreat for Mom’s who need it not just ones that can afford it 💛.

If I won the lottery.
But I haven’t won the lottery. In fact, I don’t even regularly buy lottery tickets 😂. I guess I just haven’t felt that lucky lately. I did, however feel very lucky today, today is Valentine’s Day! Ninja bought me a yummy heart shaped box of Purdy’s chocolates AND vacuumed. SBean drew me a beautiful picture and made me paper message candies so I can pick out one whenever I feel like I’m missing her 💛. Also, me, and my Ninja spent the day together! We started with relaxing pedicures and then went for a delicious lunch at The Hooded Merganser before picking up the Kids from school. I may not have won the lotto 649, but I sure hit the jackpot when I married him. Oh, MAN! I’m a Valentine CheeseBall! 😂💖

Check out How Was Your Week, Honey? Episode #315: Pink the Rink HERE! This week we get together after a local hockey game celebrating Anti-Bullying Day. Topics: Air Drop, kids’ music, sponsorship, Valentine’s Day, Vee’s game, sex in Canada, & Mr Beast.

Up here in Canada we always have one more kick of the winter can right towards the end of February. This is a perfect dinner for those nights that you can still feel that winter frost nipping at your nose. I used a chicken breast because I’m a white meat fan but the family loved the chicken thighs in this dish! I love a meal that comes together easily, is comforting and super tasty so this meal was a BIG hit!

Baked Honey Mustard Chicken with Potatoes & Bacon
Adapted from Recipetineats

3 potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
1 tablespoon olive oil
2lbs or 5 pieces chicken thighs
1 pack bacon, diced, separated
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 onion, finely diced
3/4 cup white wine
1/3 cup dijon mustard
2 tablespoons honey
1 tsp dried thyme (or 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves)
2 tbsp milk
1/3 cup chicken broth

Cook potatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.

Preheat oven to 375F.

Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper.

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add HALF the bacon and cook until lightly browned. Transfer bacon to a paper towel lined plate.

Turn the stove down to medium. Add the chicken into the pan, cook for 3 minutes or until very lightly browned. Turn the chicken over and cook for 2 minutes, then remove chicken onto a plate.

Drizzle 1 tbsp of the fat in the pan over the potatoes, then pour off and discard the rest. Return the pan to the stove.

Add the garlic and onion and cook until the onion is lightly browned and translucent – about 2 minutes.

Add wine into the pan and scrape the brown bits off the bottom of the pan to mix in with the sauce.
Bring to simmer and cook for 2 minutes or so.

Add  dijon mustard, honey, thyme, milk and cooked bacon and stir to combine. Then add the chicken and potatoes back into the pan, sprinkle over remaining bacon.

Bake for 40 – 50 minutes (no cover), or until chicken and potatoes are golden brown. Rest for 5 minutes before serving.

This week I received a surprise in the mail from Granville Island Brewing! They sent me a 6 pack of their Island Lager for Valentine’s Day! Super cool! SBean continued to master the new VR and I finally bought 2 good and comfy bras! I went to Peaches Lingerie and the woman was so helpful when I explained my situation. I LOVE these bras!!!! After I posted about my struggles, my Dad gave me a GC and told me to get a good bra. My Mom used to suffer from MS hugs and he completely understood and wanted to help me. Thanks Dad 😘. My self love challenge is going great! I tried the new drink from Starbucks, read 2 AMAZING books, enjoyed the sunshine, & did a rose gold face mask. We watched SBean play her very first basketball game, she did great! Ninja took the Kids to Pink the Rink on Friday and on Saturday Oliver went on a fun walk with the Kids, I went grocery shopping, waited in line for sold out Mr Beast Bars at the new candy store in town Exotix Candy, HBear baked cookies, and SBean made movie snack packs!
On Sunday SBean enjoyed her first gymnastics competition! It was so much fun! She was so nervous but did SO well! She came in 7th place in her division in floor, bars and vault and placed 9th on beam. Overall she came in 8th! She can’t wait for the next one! We had a quick visit after the completion with my Sis and BIL and caught the last few holes of the Phoenix Open. We finished the night celebrating HBear’s great report card and SBean’s great performance. I took a rest day on Monday and finished off the week by KILLING Ninja in the hockey pool 😂.

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