Big Changes & Monterey Chicken Pasta

I’m like a tree. My leaves might change color, but my roots are the same.

Rose Namajunas

I didn’t think I was going to be able to get out a blog post this week but I somehow managed it!

We are going through some very big changes lately!

1. HBear is going off to middle school next year! Today she had her orientation at her brand new school! It is exciting and a little bit scary 😳💕. She will be entering French immersion… Also exciting and a lot scary 😂. Ninja and I took French up into university and are very excited to reacquaint ourselves with the language. We feel it’s very important to learn both languages of our country plus my brother and sister both made families with Francophones and their children are/will be attending French schools as well as my SIL’s son JQ who will also be taking French immersion. It’s a very exciting time for her!

2. We have decided to move SBean into the elementary school closest to our house. 2 years ago when SBean started elementary school it was very important to me to keep her in the same school that her sister went to. Now, HBear will be at the middle school down the street to the right so it only made sense to transfer SBean to the elementary school down the street to the left. This was a tough decision for us because I didn’t want to choose solely on what is convenient for me but after we talked with SBean she felt it would be a fun new challenge and is excited to go to the school that she can walk to and that has her favourite playground #Priorities 😂

3. The designs are done, the permits are obtained, and we have met with the contractor! Our house will start being built this month! There is so much to do! So many choices! Who knew there were that many types of faucets? 😂 It is all a little overwhelming but we are so excited to finally have our “dream home”. There is so much to do in the meantime. Purging, packing, purchasing, painting… it’s a very exciting time for us!

4. I am still working on major changes to the blog! It is taking a bit more time than I had hoped but I am excited for a new look and hopefully an easier way to share my recipes with you all!

5. We are also getting ready for summer! This summer is going to be very different, with the construction and me working… summer is not going to be all fun and games like it has been in the past. We won’t be having as many visitors this year because of the construction. I am hoping to get to Winnipeg in July to get the Girls out of the renovations for a little bit. I have camps picked out for the Girls and they are paid for and in the calendar!

So, those are all the changes that are coming up in the next few months! It is a lot 😳. Please bear with me over the next few months as some of my posts maybe shorter or maybe less wordy. I am hoping to get out a recipe and a picture round up weekly but I will have to play it by ear! Thank you for your patience, I can’t wait to share all of these wonderful adventures with you all!

This week on How Was Your Week, Honey? Episode 116: We’re Not Ready to Talk About It  This week we chat about Forgetting Easter, being sick, Shopping for NY, NHL playoffs, dance Moms, losing keys, goodbye to Reasons Are Several, Tony Hawk & Taylor Swift. Check it out HERE!

If you have been following my blog for a while, you’ll know that I love love love Monterey chicken! Imagine my delight when I found a Monterey BBQ Chicken Pasta recipe! Not only does it combine 2 of my favourite things, Monterey chicken and pasta but it is made in one dish! This is a super tasty, super easy and a super kid friendly dish that everybody will love!

Monterey BBQ Chicken Pasta
Adapted from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe

1 tablespoon oil
4 chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
6-7 slices bacon, chopped
3 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 large can diced tomatoes, undrained
16 ounces rotini pasta
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup BBQ sauce
1 cup shredded cheese
2 green onions, chopped

In a deep skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Pat the chicken pieces dry and season with salt and pepper.

Add them to the pot in a single layer and cook until golden and cooked through, stirring occasionally. Remove to a plate and set aside.

Add the bacon to the pot and cook until crisp. Drain any excess grease and scrape the bacon onto the same plate as the chicken.

Keeping the pot over medium heat, add the broth, deglazing the pan and scraping up any browned bits.

Add the tomatoes, pasta and salt. Stir to combine. Bring the mixture to a simmer and cook, uncovered, stirring often and moderating the heat to prevent sticking, until the pasta is al dente (about 10-12 minutes).

Stir in the BBQ sauce, cooked chicken and bacon and heat through. Sprinkle the cheese over the top, cover, and let the pasta rest off the heat until the cheese is melted, 2-3 minutes.

Garnish with green onions.

This week we recuperated from the Kiwanis Dance Festival and Easter!

SBean is totally in love with her new sequined backpack and shades while HBear is loving her new spring clothes!



This week we went to student led conferences! Both the Girls gave us a fantastic rundown of what they are learning in each of their classes this term. HBear even wrote a pretty convincing argument about a pretty controversial topic in our household… Getting a dog 😳😂.

Dance classes were all about fun and games this week in appreciation for all their hard work during competition week!


On Monday I did something different… I went to spin class! My girlfriend started teaching and I went to support her. It was nothing like I expected! It was crazy intense but I really enjoyed myself! I’m thinking I should definitely try it again!

SBean has been using her creative talents to write lyrics to songs she says are living up in her head 😂. We have been finding them all over the house! Although she has an aversion to vowels LOL I’m pretty impressed by her lyrical talent!


Spring has sprung and the blooms are stunning! I have lived here for 10 years and still I am blown away each spring by the beauty of the blossoming fruit trees!

On Saturday night HBear and I had a date night where we attended the Kiwanis Festival Highlights Show! It was wonderful to see all of the dancers, orators, singers and musicians showing us their stuff!

Ninja took the Girls for a bike ride on Sunday to get out in the sun while I got some errands done.

On Tuesday HBear went on a field trip to Global TV and CBC radio with her gifted class! This year they had too many volunteers so instead of helping out… I went shopping!

This week was grade 6 orientation to French immersion middle school! Ninja and I went on Tuesday evening for the parent night and on Wednesday morning HBear got to go and see her new school! It is within walking distance so we walked over and then she enjoyed learning all about her new school!


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