Cheesy Garlic and Brown Sugar Pork Chops, Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges with Honey Sauce & Baked Beans

I know you’re not thirsty. That’s bullshit. Stop lying. Lie the fuck down, my darling, and sleep.


“Are you F***ing kidding me?”

SBean only says Daddy. Everything is Daddy. Daddy very loudly. At 4:25am all you can hear throughout the house is a VERY loud chorus of Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…

I am all for breastfeeding but enough is enough. Every morning it is earlier and earlier. We are regressing. She is almost 14 months old and we need to stop the night feedings. Booby milk will be given out no earlier than 5am, preferably 6am or even 7am.

So we wait it out.

4:35 Quiet. I think she actually fell back to sleep J

4:36 I cough


5:00 I bolt from the bed and get the Bean. She is very happy to see Daddy aka me. She gives a giant hug and a super sloppy open mouth kiss.

5:02 Booby milk time!

5:45 She goes back into the crib.

5:50 Oh No… it is all over. I hear HBear get up and the bathroom light turns on.

6:00 SBean is babbling LOUDLY and HBear is playing with her toys and yelling “Syd! Syd! BE QUIET!”

6:15 I look at Ninja. Why isn’t he getting up? Cough Cough (oh yeah this cold is not going away, I haven’t had hearing in my left ear in almost 2 weeks and now my nose gunk is dripping down the back of my throat and making me cough every 2 seconds.)

6:25 He must have felt my eyes boring a hole through him… he gets up and I try to get a few minutes of sleep.

7:20 I get up and begin the morning routine. I make HBear’s lunch and help her pick out her clothes. She looks at the weather to see what is appropriate. It is supposed to go to +14 today!

8:15 Tackle HBear’s hair… we are growing it out. She wants it as long as her cousin’s,

yeah that is so not happening. She won’t keep a clip in or anything. I keep explaining to her that we can’t have long hair if we don’t keep it pretty and OUT OF OUR FACES!!!

8:35 Grab the Bean and the Bear and get them into the van.

8:45 Drop HBear off at school. Almost slip walking down the hill. Look around and see all the kids have switched their sleds for skateboards and bikes… well, that was quick lol

8:55 Walk back up that stupid hill with SBean on my hip.

9:00 Walk into FitKidz for a little SBean gymnastics. She loves it! We are practically the first ones there, so she has the “run” of the place lol See lots of people I haven’t seen in a while and SBean has tons of fun 🙂

10:15 SBean has stopped having fun and has started rubbing her eyes and yelling at me. She may not have the words yet but she is sure letting me have it!

10:30 We are home and I do nap routine… 3 books and 3 songs. Goodnight.

10:45 Begin laundry.

10:55 Begin Yoga. Get my ass kicked by some super skinny B**CH that keeps saying, this pose will change your life. If she means by snapping my legs off at the hip like I used to do with my Barbies… I agree.

11:35 DADDY!!!!!!

11:40 Change a stinky bum 🙂

11:50 Start getting lunch ready. Strawberries, steamed carrots and toast with peanut butter and homemade plum jam!

12:00 Feed SBean while dusting the house.

12:15 Vacuum and periodically stop to stock SBean up with more yummies.

12:30 Clean SBean up and wash the floors.

12:50 Get a sweater on and go play outside! It is a beautiful day 🙂 SBean keeps putting her face up to the wind and yelling LOL She is adorable!

1:30 See the eye rub and know this is the window… get her inside and do the routine. 3 books and 3 songs… oh that was a toot.

1:45 Change a stinky bum

1:55 Lay her down but know that I lost the window… SBean is not a great sleeper, did you get that? LOL HBear slept 2.5 hours in the morning and 2 hours every afternoon. She stopped her afternoon nap last summer because we needed to get her prepped for full day Kindergarten. This is a whole new ball of wax.

2:00 Hang more laundry up on the line and open the windows!

2:15 Make sure Ninja is picking up HBear… he is. It is so beautiful Dad and Ninja have been out working all day 🙂

2:20 Start getting dinner prepped.

We are having Pork Chops, Veggies and Bacon Wrapped Potatoes, yeah we are!

2:45 Realize SBean is only going to scream so I go get her.

2:50 Play blocks and rings with her… suddenly she is all smiles LOL

3:15 Ninja and HBear are home! Help unpack lunchbox and bag.

3:25 Sit at the table and work on HBear’s daily journal. Her New Year’s Resolution 🙂

3:30 Ninja is playing with SBean and HBear is working at the table having her snap peas, I begin prepping dinner again.

4:00 Sit down for a minute to ask how everyone’s day was.

4:15 Get dinner going.

4:30 “HBear will you set the table please?”

4:40 “HBear set the table please.”

4:50 “Set the table.”


5:00 Dinner

Cheesy Garlic and Brown Sugar Pork Chops
Adapted from
 Beyer Beware

4 pork chops
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 teaspoon thyme, chopped
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 red onion, sliced
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 cup taco cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375.

Put thyme, garlic and sugar in the Ultimate chopper and blend.

Season both sides of pork chops with salt and pepper, then rub garlic, thyme and brown sugar mixture on both sides.

Place in square baking dish top with onion and drizzle butter over top. Sprinkle with paprika, salt and pepper. I got a bit heavy handed with the paprika 🙁 don’t do that. LOL

Bake 25 minutes or until internal temperature is 160.

Remove from oven and sprinkle with cheese.

Bake for another five minutes.

Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges with Honey Sauce
Adapted from
 The Food Network

4 potatoes
8 slices thick bacon, cut in 1/2
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
2 tablespoons chopped green onions
1 teaspoon parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 375.

Bake bacon for a few minutes… not too much but just get it started 🙂

Cut each potato into 4 wedges, spray with Pam and season with salt & pepper.

Put wedges on a plate and microwave for a couple mins… fork tender. You don’t want them too soft or the next step will be harder.

Cool wedges, brush with mustard,

and then wrap with bacon (I suggest cutting them vertically rather than horizontally like I did, I had to use toothpicks and it was kinda a mess lol).

Put potatoes on a cookie sheet. I used the bacon pan for extra bacony taste 🙂

Bake for 25 to 30 mins.

In a medium bowl, mix butter, honey, black pepper, scallions and parsley. Stir with a spoon until fully mixed.

Toss potatoes in the glaze.

We had a little stirfry I tossed together too. When I make it I cut up whatever I have in the fridge and then add butter and garlic. When they are almost done I throw in a few Craisins and a few soy nuts, it adds a little sweet and a little crunch, YUMMY!

5:30 Quickly get HBear’s face washed and redo her hair (to keep it out of her face).

5:35 Grab a coffee to go and get HBear into the van.

5:45 Get to Indoor T-Ball practice.

6:00 Everyone is introduced.

6:05 The whole group is told to line up and run from 1 side of the gym to the other. Then again… backwards.

6:10 HBear is on the ground with a little boy on her head.


6:15 After big hugs and “Oh Boy look who is here HBear! It’s your best boy friend from Preschool!” I fix her hair and she is back.

6:20 The kids figure out which hand is their throwing hand.

6:30 The kids are taught how to put on their gloves.

6:40 They are reminded what hand to throw with… this may be a long season LOL

7:15 High Fives and into the van.

7:25 Home and into the bath!

7:35 Brush teeth and tell Daddy and Papa very excited T-Ball stories!

7:40 Feed a very sleepy little SBean who had been sleeping quietly in Daddy’s arms waiting for her bedtime milk.

8:00 Ninja gets HBear into bed while SBean finishes up.

8:10 Put SBean down.

8:30 Lay down with a cup of honey tea (Thanks Ninja!!!) for a little Bachelor, don’t judge… I deserve this! LOL

11:00-3:30 Wake up every 2 minutes with a wicked cough. My throat is killing me!

4:10 DADDDDDYYYYY… and it begins again 🙂

That was yesterday… Today was sheets day. LOL I wash and change all the bedding and the towels too J Ninja’s Mom is coming home today so we are having a nice dinner together.

I am making ribs, coleslaw, cold noodle salad and my MIL’s baked beans. They are the best!

My Mother In Law’s Bestest Baked Beans

2 big cans beans in tomato sauce
1/2 cup onion, chopped
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon mustard
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
4 slices of bacon

Preheat oven to 325.

Cook bacon till crisp; drain, reserving 2 tablespoons drippings.

Crumble bacon.

Put beans into a casserole dish.

Cook onion in the drippings till tender; add with bacon to beans.

Add brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, and mustard; mix well.

Bake uncovered for 1 3/4 hours.

Is it just me or does everyone hate Simon Says as much as I do?

It is the only way HBear will dry, cream, get dressed and the rest of bedtime routine. I thought I was genius but some days I just want to get the frick out of the shower without all the games and frankly all the talking.

That was my vent… thank you… good night 🙂

Lovely Ladies Linky

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