With the kids jingle belling And everyone telling you “Be of good cheer” It’s the most wonderful time of the year It’s the hap-happiest season of all – It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well birthdays are over for another year… we did it! Are you singing the Dora song in your head right now? LOL SUCKER!
Everything was super successful! SBean’s party was wonderful with good family, good friends and good food!

My Mom had a thing, she wanted to get all the girl’s ears pierced on their 1stbirthday. We went together and got HBear’s done and it was so much fun! She screamed for a second and then saw the bling and smiled lol. My little Princess.
I remember when my Mom first went into the hospital; I was driving to Kelowna and thought “What about SBean’s earrings? This sent me into a tailspin. It was my cracking point. It meant my Mom wouldn’t be there for her 1stbirthday. I cried a lot that day. I am crying remembering that day.
Anyways, my Dad, awesome man that he is, went with me to get SBean’s ear pierced the day after her birthday. It could have been very emotional for me but… instead the gun didn’t work and only 1 earring went through!  Dad was holding her and she FREAKED right out, obviously. I hate to laugh but thank goodness something happened to make me forget that this was a major “Mom” thing that I had been dreading.
Sorry SBean, your discomfort was my saving Grace J
I breastfed as the lady put it through by hand. Papa and SBean handled it like the troopers they are! She looks stunning! PLUS they didn’t charge us LOL.

On Friday night we went to the Summerland Light it Up Festival. It is a wonderful evening where Santa comes, the town lights get turned on and the food vendors are out in full force!
It is also packed, cold, there is no place to feed a 1 year old and we only got to see Santa through a window! LOL On the plus side, we ran into friends and family and HBear got to take her very first pony ride! She was scared at first but after much discussion she did it! So proud of her J It’s a good thing too because when you sign up you also enter a contest and I won an hour long trail ride! YEAH J

On Saturday, HBear’s party went fantastically well! We are so lucky that she has chosen such wonderful friends. The gymnastics party was great. The kids were FULLY entertained! HBear had a wonderful time.

We got all the goody bags done and together:

The purple and pink play dough we made
The Pet cloud we made
The Crown magnet we made
We made lucky charm squares
And a lollipop!

I made the cupcakes with pink and chocolate frosting (she wanted black for Mateo but chocolate was a close second lol). I made the toppers using the same design as the waterbottle labels I made. It turned out well… I am not much of a baker lol.

SBean had a blast too!!! That is 1 little DareDevil. I am in such trouble I fear J

It was so cute. When she was handing out the goody bags she went up to 1 little boy and said “The sticker on this bag says YES! And it means Yes I will marry you!” LOL He jumped up and yelled “she said YES!!!” LOL 

This week is very busy again, and will be until the end of December I am sure lol. This morning was the charity toy drive. HBear was allowed to pick out 1 birthday present to give to a child that isn’t as fortunate as herself. She listened to me tell her all about the children out there, right in our very own city even, that will not be getting presents this year. Not because they were “bad” but because their families aren’t as lucky as we are. We talked about the giving part of Christmas.
I was really proud of her as she picked out the SUPER awesome Barbie Jeep, complete with Barbie and Ken, and said “I already have a Barbie, Ken and a car… I bet this would make some little girl or boy very happy. Hey Mommy?”  OMG, did I do this? Did I make such a compassionate little girl? Ninja and I are so proud of her, I personally don’t know if I would have been so generous as a 5 year old. In fact it kinda broke my heart to give it away now lol I was all like “But Hbear it is a Barbie JEEP???? Are you sure?” LOL She is right though, I KNOW that will make some child’s Christmas dream come true!
When you drop off your gift you have a lovely breakfast complete with a children’s choir singing carols. It is so well done, and the girls get to participate in the act of giving. We all sat and ate then off to school J

Today I am doing my baking for the bake sale tomorrow. I already have the cookies, seen HERE, so now I am doing cupcakes!

It is also Poinsettias pickup day at HBear’s school! We had a scare this weekend as CUPE gave 72 hour strike notice for our school division’s support staff. Thank goodness they came to an agreement yesterday! So now we can have the bake sale and the Christmas concert tomorrow!

You should have seen the Poinsettia DEBACLE!!!
OMG. I called Ninja and he said he would NOT be home for pick up time L. I was all like, no problem I can so do this… yeah. So I got the red wagon into the van and the baby wrap and left early to pick up HBear. It was all good at first. LOL I picked up the 4 HUGE plants and put them into the wagon. Of course today is like the coldest day of the year so far… -5 with winds gusting to 30 clicks!!!!
So, I have SBean in the carrier and I am pulling these friggin’ plants through the freezing wind, uphill and SBean is screaming Bloody Murder. Then this 1 Mom is all like “Awww I don’t envy you”. Why thank you! Actually, many parents passed me during all this and not 1 stopped to help!?!?! WTF is that? I would have.
When I finally get to the van which is parked FAR ass away because everyone is picking up the Damn plants… I realize, hey how am I supposed to get this all back in the van? So with SBean in the carrier still I am trying to pick up the wagon and the box of plants. NOT
So I take out the plants, put them in and then the wagon. NOPE.
OK, so let’s BUUUUUUZZZZZZ, shit there’s the bell. I am now late getting HBear. I have never been late. Grrrrr. So I start pulling down the back seats, finally get my stuff in the van and quickly run to HBear’s doors.
Of course today is her teacher’s day on the playground so HBear is at the door waiting outside in the cold L and SBean is STILL freaking out! I get them both in the van and start to drive away. Bang! The stupid handle of the wagon comes down and hits SBean and now the van is even louder.
This sucks.

For dinner we are having Prime Rib, mashed potatoes, stirfry veggies and Yorkshire pudding! Mmmmmmm.

OK bed time… NOW! LOL

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