Thick and Chewy M&M Cookie Bars, Healthy Sesame/Chia Chicken & My Basic Rice Recipe

I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts There they are, all standing in a row Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head 

Monty Python 

My scalp is driving me up the wall. I am scratching ALL the time. It is 1 spot but it leaves a mess all over my whole back and BOTH shoulders. I use medicine. I use Wen. I don’t use any chemicals or styling products. I don’t dye my hair. Which subsequently drives my sister up the wall. She hates my streaking grey hair lol.

There is no reason for the constant itch and dry scalp!

Today I took action. I dolloped coconut oil all over my head. It has been in for 8 hours already! I hope it helps. I keep reading about the amazing coconut oil, of course I use it for cooking and I DID recommend it to my mom who was having dry scalp on her bald chemo head… she said it worked wonders, so I’ll let you know!

With coconut oil on my mind HAHAHA I thought mmmmm Sesame chicken. No kidding that is how my mind works lol.

After school this morning and ballet class this afternoon HoneyBear was wondering what was for dessert? LOL I have been seriously slacking in the dessert department since the bedroom revamp started. So, I quickly thought up a few basic recipes like rainbow cookies.

We mixed a Duncan Hines cake rainbow cake mix with 1/3 cup of oil and 1 egg and 1 egg yolk. I kept the white for the Sesame chicken. We scooped them into balls and baked them at 350 for 8 minutes. TA DA.

Super easy and satisfies that craving

Next we made M & M Bars.

Thick and Chewy M&M Cookie Bars
slightly adapted from Fantastic FamilyFavorites

2 1/8 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
¾ cup butter, melted
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
2 teaspoon s vanilla extract
1 cup mini M&M’s
¼ cup Reese’s Pieces

Preheat the oven to 325

Line a 9X13-inch baking pan with foil, letting the excess hang over the edges of the pan by about 1 inch so you can grab those edges and pull the bars from the pan after they have baked. Spray the foil-lined pan with Pam.

Mix the flour, salt, and baking soda together in medium bowl; set aside.

Whisk the melted butter and sugars in a large bowl until combined. Add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla and mix well.

Fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture until just combined. Fold in 3/4 cup of M&M’s and the Reese’s Pieces, turn the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing the top with the spatula. Sprinkle remaining M&M’s on top and press in slightly.

Bake until the top of the bars is light golden brown and edges start pulling away from sides of pan, I did it for 28 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Remove the bars from the pan by lifting the foil overhang and cut into squares and serve.

Chewy Greatness
Healthy Sesame/Chia Chicken
Adapted from SimplyScratch

1/2 cup honey
5 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 cloves garlic, pressed
1 teaspoon chili paste
1 egg
1 egg white
4 tablespoons corn starch
3 medium sized chicken breasts, cubed into 1 inch pieces
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 large onion, diced
Handful of snow peas
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Basmati Rice, cooked

My Basmati rice…
Add 2 cups of rice, 2 teaspoons of Thai chili salt, 2 teaspoons of butter and 4 cups of chicken broth. Stir and bring to boil. Turn down and cover for 15 minutes. Take off heat and rest for 15 minutes.

In a bowl, combine honey, soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, chili paste, chia seeds and sesame seeds. Whisk until combined and set aside.

The chia seed thickens it up quite a bit 
Season cubed chicken with salt and pepper.

In another bowl whisk together the eggs and corn starch. Add in the chicken and toss.

Toss it up!
In a large skillet add a tablespoon of coconut oil and heat over medium-high heat. Add in the peppers, peas and onions and cook for 4-5 minutes until slightly softened. Remove to a plate.

I used a large sweet onion
In the same skillet heat up 1 more tablespoon of coconut oil over medium-high heat. Add in the chicken and cook until golden and fully cooked. 

Brown the chicken
Add the peppers, peas and onions back in along the sesame sauce.

Stir and serve over prepared rice.

Now I won’t feel guilty eating a cookie AND a M & M Bar! lol

This is Delicious! It is light and it has so much flavor. It is easy to prepare and you can add extra veggies that are lingering in your fridge. 

No guilt desert lol
My beautiful family before bath time!

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