There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in. 

Deepak Chopra 
SydneyBean is going through a growth spurt. Or at least I   think that is the reason she was up ALL night feeding. Man, I forgot the pure exhaustion of breastfeeding throughout the night. Last night I must have fallen asleep sitting up because today my neck is killing me.

HoneyBear had gymnastics this morning and SydneyBean finally fell asleep so we slept while Ninja took over. He rocks my world 🙂

So what is the easiest dinner? Monterey Chicken! 

You know, when I was little & Mom and Dad took us out for a big night out lol we went to Bonanza. I remember they had Monterey Chicken on the adult menu. We always got the salad bar and Mom would get that. It was a thin piece of “chicken” with smokey grill marks that crisscrossed the fillet… and I loved it! In the summer between grade 6 and 7 my Nana and Papa took my sister and I to Portland, Oregon on holidays. All the cousins had to stay home and the adults went out for lunch. Me, being the oldest, got an invite. We went to Bonanza, I felt so grown up. My Nana even let me order off the adult menu… you know what I got!

Now those are great memories but that chicken, well it is NOT something that I would eat now lol so when I saw Monterey Chicken on Pinterest from All Things Simple, I HAD to try it right away. I make it often now but I have changed it up to be even easier and in my opinion even tastier 🙂

Monterey Chicken
Adapted from All Things Simple

4 Chicken Breasts
1 can of diced tomatoes
4 pieces of bacon, cooked
Shredded cheese
BBQ Sauce of your choice

All ready for the Chicky!
Salt and pepper the breast and put them on the BBQ. I love BBQ chicken… no clean up lol.

Preheat oven to 400.

When the chicken is done, spoon BBQ sauce over top and spread it all out. Then top it with 1 piece of bacon and the diced tomatoes. Sprinkle the top with cheese and place them in a baking dish. 
You won’t use all the tomatoes, put them in the fridge for another day!

Put in oven until all bubbly.

So good and so easy!
Bubbly Nature Creations

On a side note, HoneyBear made Valentine’s for Daddy and Nana and Papa. I just thought they are so cute I had to share pictures of them 🙂

For Nana and Papa
Sooo cute
My Valentine Sweethearts!

0 thoughts on “Monterey Chicken”

  1. Yum! I'll have to try it sometime. I'm sharing my Fresh Strawberry Cream Torte today for my Homemaking Linkup. I hope you'll join us if you haven't already!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

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