FaBOOlous Halloween Treats & Mom’s Hash

Some people are born for Halloween, and some are just counting the days until Christmas. 

Stephen Graham Jones

Today… November 1… I am FINALLY allowed to listen to Christmas music! OK not “technically“ allowed because Ninja believes Christmas does not start until December 2 (after the Girl’s birthdays). However, I love Christmas music! 24 days of Christmas music is just not nearly enough! 54 days though? That makes me happy!

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though 😂 yesterday was Halloween. This year we made Tootsie Pop Ghost Treats for all of the Girl’s classmates! SBean put on all the jewelled faces and HBear did all the tying! Super easy and super cute!

Even Papa got into the festivities!

This year we only got 2 pumpkins 🎃 and HBear pretty much carved her our pumpkin herself this year! FINALLY I see the light at the end of the tunnel 😂!

This year for Halloween SBean wanted to be a Princess! A Pink Princess. I said, “no” 😂. However, then I saw this fabulous pink hooped gown with matching cape, wand and tiara and I knew she had to have it. She looked adorable! At first she said she was Princess Peach but refused to wear a blonde wig 😂.  Once we got out there trick-or-treating everybody commented on what a beautiful Princess she made! Of course, she corrected each and everyone of them by explaining, “I’m not a princess. I. Am. A. Queen 👸!”


HBear decided to be an Evil Magician! All I had to do was buy the cape! Grandma and her amazing sewing skills made her a beautiful vest and bowtie complete with silver star buttons! She looked awesome!


School was buzzing and by the time I got there for the Halloween Parade The kids were over the moon excited! I made a quick Cat in the Hat costume to go with YBesty and HLBesty’s Thing 1 and Thing 2 costumes! It was a hoot!


For dinner I made Halloween sprinkle pancakes (that didn’t look pretty enough to take pictures of) and then we were off! SBean killed it! She had Ninja, Papa and I sweating trying to keep up to her 😂. After every house she came running back down the sidewalk singing, “I love this day! I just really love this day!“ We all went out and left a bowl of candy on the honour system… When we got back, there was still some left! The Girls got a ton of candy… I can’t wait to throw the majority of it out on October 30 of next year, just like I had to do this year 😂. They had fun, we had fun and the weather stayed decent. Success!


Now, onto Christmas!

Ninja and I put out the latest episode of How Was Your Week, Honey? Episode 38: Sex Whip Busted 😳. It’s not what you think. Well… Maybe it is 😉. Check it out HERE!

There are so many recipes that my Mom did not pass down to me before she passed. However, while she was in hospice I asked her, “Mom, tell me the secret of your amazing Hash?“ And she said, “2 cans of tomato soup.“


I never use soup in my recipes. But, my Mom’s Hash or as some people call it, goulash, is so flavourful and tasty that I had to give it a try! I am so happy that I did! This is my Mom’s Delish Hash and it is one of my absolute favourite quick and easy dinners! You can make it in 1 pot! You can throw in anything you have in the fridge… But don’t forget the tomato soup 😉. 

Mom’s Hash
Adapted from I Heart Naptime

Serves: 6
NUTRITION: 483 calories/serving

1 pound ground turkey
1 onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, 

1 cup mushrooms, quartered
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 teaspoons seasoning salt
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 cup grape tomatoes, quartered
1 can corn
1 cup vegetable broth
2 cans tomato soup
1 package pasta (I used shells)
Kosher salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cup shredded cheese
Fresh chopped basil

Make pasta according to package. Drain and set aside.

In the same pot add turkey, onion, peppers and garlic. Cook  until brown. 

Stir in the Italian seasoning, seasoned salt and Worcestershire sauce. Allow to cook for an additional 1 to 2 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes.

Stir in tomato soup, corn and vegetable broth. Bring to a light simmer and then stir in cooked noodles.

Taste and add salt and pepper if desired. Sprinkle basil and cheese over top and put in oven for 30 minutes.


School is trucking along and the Girls are having so much fun with their friends!

SBean is convinced she is going to marry MBesty. YBesty and I love how well they play together. The other day she came home from school and said, “I touched MBesty‘s ear today. Because I am her Eardo and I’m going to marry him.” 😳😂. I’m pretty sure in her mind… They went to first base 😂.

Speaking of… On Wednesday YBesty, MBesty, and HLBesty and I went out for an amazing dinner at Bad Tattoo and followed it up with a advanced screening/Pure Romance party of Bad Mom’s Xmas. The pizza was delicious! The company was amazing! The movie was hilarious! Plus I got to see a Christmas movie before Halloween! It was a fabulous night… And I won a whip 😳😆.

HBear had her 2nd swim team practice this week. After, all the kids went to a pizza and movie party. This is the first year she has asked to join, she is really getting involved, it’s great!

SBean is still loving skating lessons and is really getting the hang of it!

It was an absolutely beautiful weekend so we decided to go out to Covert Farms to take in the Fall/Halloween festivities. It is a free event that offers a ton to do! We had some hotdogs, did some pumpkin bowling and jumped on the air pillow! After, we did a little geocaching, took some pictures, and then headed out to The Bear’s Fruit Stand for HBear’s pumpkin!







Happy Halloween from my family to yours! 


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