Funerals, Beds & Italian Sausage Rigatoni

Death is not extinguishing the light;
it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. 

Rabindranath Tagore

Last week I was talking about DNA, family, and our history. This week my Great Uncle Ron died.

This is been a week of reflection. My Mom’s side used to be huge! My grandparent’s anniversary was July 5 and every 10 years it brought the entire family together in celebration. There were a lot of us! From Toronto to the island from Portland to Penticton.

Uncle Ronnie was my Poppy’s youngest brother. My Poppy had 9 brothers and sisters and out of that 9 there is 1 left. 1 left in a entire generation of family. That thought really puts things into perspective.

Following my DNA story is less frightening now. Losing an integral part of our family history makes me fear the loss of our story so much more. If I wait too long there will be nobody left to confirm or deny.

My Uncle and Aunt drove in from Calgary to be here for the funeral today. It sucks that it takes a funeral to bring us together but it was fabulous to see them!

When I was a kid my Uncle lived with us. He was my Mom’s youngest brother… He IS my Mom’s youngest brother. Actually his youngest daughter is 14 years younger than me and he is 18 years older than me. It’s funny how you see things in a different light when you are an adult.

They came over for dinner last night and we sat up ‘till late at night talking about family. It was a short but super great visit!


It was wonderful to see everybody at the funeral. The last time I had seen most of them was at my Mom’s…

It was a really nice service. My Mom’s family was a military family. My great Uncle Doug, my Poppy’s eldest brother, died on the beach of Normandy. My Poppy served in the Korean War and my Uncle Ronnie was a reserve and a dedicated cadet. We all received Remembrance Day poppies and after all the stories were told and the songs were sung, Taps began. After 3 branches of service man laid there poppies at my Great Uncle’s urn, his wife of 60 some years laid her poppy down. Then his children, grandchildren, and great grand children. We were next. My Uncle said his goodbye and so did my Aunt, then my Dad, then my Girls, and then me. As I put my poppy down I asked him to say hello to my Nana, Poppy, and my Mom.

He has left a family to mourn him but wherever he is at least we know… He’s in great company. 💛

Another thing that happened this week was, we bought a new bed! We bought our last bed 4 1/2 years ago. So, you see this is the story…

Ninja and I do not sleep eye to eye 😆. He is a tummy sleeper and I am a back sleeper. He needs firm and I need soft. I love to be warm and he likes to be cool. I like memory foam and he would rather sleep in a chair than be “swallowed up” as he says by memory foam.


So, when he went away one weekend to visit his ailing nephew, I took it upon myself to buy us a new bed! I thought if I got a king size that would solve all of our problems! I didn’t want a mattress I wanted a pillow top! So I picked out the most luxurious and expensive mattress there was… The Lux Trump mattress 😬. 

If I only knew then what I know now.

I use our bed as my living room, my bedroom, and my office so within 3 years we had put massive ditches on each side of our mattress. It got to the point where we had to roll up the middle hill to give each other a kiss good night 😂. Every morning Ninja groaned as he gingerly left the bed. We knew we needed a new mattress.

Buying a mattress is such a commitment! It’s like marrying somebody you’ve only kissed 😆. We went to all of the places in town that sell mattresses and we think we picked the right one! Because I do so much computer work in bed we got a remote control box spring that will raise our heads so I can keep better posture. Awesome! The actual mattress is… Firm. Very. Very. Firm. 🙄.

We still have 19 days to switch if we want the memory foam 😜.

Our latest episode of How Was Your Week, Honey? won’t be up until tomorrow but I was lucky enough to guest appear on Ninja’s other show, Our Liner Notes! His cohost Agent Palmer and I sample 6 songs each off our running/exercise playlists! Check out Episode 86: Running with the Devil HERE!

There has been one recipe that has been in our go to file for the past 6 months. It is so easy I never think to post it! I usually make it when I don’t like a meal that I already have planned for the week 😂 this is because I always have all of the ingredients in the kitchen, because it takes 20 minutes to make, and because everybody loves it. It is a simple pasta dish that will have the whole family licking their plates! 

Italian Sausage Rigatoni

Adapted from Urban Bliss Life
NUTRITION: 492 Calories/serving

1 bag uncooked rigatoni
2 tablespoons oil
1/4 pound Italian sausage with casing removed
2 garlic cloves, pressed
1 yellow onion, chopped
10 mushrooms, chopped
1/4 cup red wine
1 can petite diced tomatoes
1 8-ounce can tomato paste
1 tablespoon parsley,
10 basil leaves, chiffoned
2 tablespoons parmesan cheese, grated

Cook pasta according to package directions, reserving 1/4 cup of pasta water.

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.

Add garlic, mushrooms and onions, and sauté for about 2 minutes.

Add ground sausage to skillet and stir until no longer pink, about 5 minutes.

Add wine and scrap browned sausage bits off the bottom of the skillet.

Add tomatoes and tomato paste, stir all ingredients well, turn heat down to low-medium and simmer for 10-20 minutes.

Add cooked pasta and 1/4 cup reserved pasta water to the skillet and stir all ingredients until mixed.

Remove from heat. Sprinkle with parsley, basil and cheese just before serving.

We started the week having a Girls day! We cleaned out the van, vacuumed up all the sand and washed the vehicle with a bucket and a sponge! Dancing the whole time of course!

The Girls were in tennis camp this week. An hour a day of good fun!

We met up with LunchBesty and PACBesty for a beach afternoon and I let SBean put on my sunscreen 😆.

After tennis one day HBear had a playdate with her Best who was also in tennis lessons this year! So, SBean and I had date day ourselves. We spent the day inside because the smoke from nearby and faraway fires is very bad right now. We went to SBean’s favourite… Penny’s! Of course now that she knows how to read she is VERY concerned as to why Penny’s is spelled with a ‘D’ 😆. After brunch, we went to a matinee of The Incredibles 2! It was a GREAT movie! I’m pretty sure I laughed more than the Bean.

Friday was the last day of tennis and we celebrated by meeting PSBesty at the Kaledan Beach!



This past weekend we went bed shopping and took a drive out to Peachland to see what damage the fires have caused. It is sad to see our mountain side blackened and covered with ash. Every time we drive home from Kelowna we will now remember the fires of 2018.

Despite the wildfires, the fruit trees are producing fruit like I haven’t seen in years! Our neighbour’s apricot tree is absolutely stunning!
SBean’s kindergarten teacher sent a thank you note in the mail for the plant SBean gave her at the end of the school year. SBean LOVES getting mail!

Today the smoke is thick and the sun is hot. After the funeral, we decided to hang out at home and build a fort/work on the blog. It is nice to take time to relax and enjoy each other.

My SIL is in town! Her and her partner drove in with his 2 kids and JQ! They took the Girls on the Wibit and we are looking forward to seeing them more in the next 2 weeks! PLUS my Sis and her family will be coming this weekend too! I am so very lucky 💛.

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